Putting Yourself First: 15 Top Strategies for Self-Care

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to forget the importance of “putting yourself first.” Often, we focus on fulfilling others’ expectations and forget our own wellbeing.

However, to thrive personally and professionally, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and personal growth. But fret no more, because you’ve come to the right place.

This post shares fifteen detailed tips on putting yourself first, focusing mainly on the importance of goal-setting and utilizing a planning journal.

Let’s kick off with an invaluable tip: make sure you clearly define your personal objectives. Having well-defined goals is the first step in prioritizing yourself, guiding your actions and decisions towards personal fulfilment.

Read on to explore more ways to make your wellbeing a priority.

Putting Yourself First: 15 Top Strategies for Self-Care

strategies on putting yourself first

1. Identify Personal Objectives

Often we find ourselves feeling lost or dissatisfied due to a lack of clear personal goals. This lack of direction can lead to frustration and feeling stagnant in life.

Putting yourself first means identifying your personal objectives. Use a planning journal to outline these goals, ensuring they align with your personal growth and happiness.

2. Set Achievable Goals

Sometimes, we set goals that are too ambitious, leading to overwhelm. This can result in disappointment, low self-esteem, and negative self-talk when we fail to achieve them.

To put yourself first, set achievable goals that allow for incremental progress, rewarding yourself as you achieve each milestone.

3. Practice Time Management

People often find themselves running out of time, attempting to do everything but accomplishing little.The stress from not having enough time can lead to burnout.

Putting yourself first involves prioritizing your time effectively. Use your planning journal to block time for your goals and personal growth.

4. Self-Care Rituals

Many neglect self-care due to the demands of daily life. Over time, this neglect can cause physical, emotional, and mental health problems.

Prioritize regular self-care rituals like exercise, meditation, or hobby time. Include these activities in your planning journal as non-negotiable appointments.

5. Reflect Regularly

It’s easy to lose sight of our progress and get discouraged.This can result in losing motivation and abandoning our goals.

Regular reflection on your achievements helps you stay motivated. Dedicate a section in your journal for weekly or monthly reflections to track your progress.

6. Assertiveness

Some find it challenging to express their needs and wants, leading to dissatisfaction. Not being assertive can cause resentment and impact relationships negatively.

Putting yourself first requires learning to be assertive, ensuring your needs and desires are communicated and respected.

7. Mental Health Prioritization

Mental health is often neglected because of societal stigma or lack of understanding. Overlooking mental health can lead to severe consequences, such as depression and anxiety.

Make mental health a priority.

Journaling is a great way to monitor your emotional state and identify patterns or triggers.

8. Learn to Say “No”

The inability to say “no” can result in overcommitment and stress. Saying yes to everything can lead to resentment and exhaustion.

Learn to say no to protect your time and energy. Prioritize what serves your goals and personal wellbeing.

9. Find Balance

Life can often feel like a constant juggle between personal and professional responsibilities. This lack of balance can lead to stress and burnout.

Strive for a balanced life by allotting time for personal activities and relaxation. Your journal can assist you in scheduling balanced days.

10. Gratitude Practice

It’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong and overlook positive aspects. This negativity bias can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Cultivate gratitude by regularly noting things you’re thankful for in your journal. This practice fosters positivity and contentment.

11. Invest in Personal Growth

Personal development is often sidelined in the pursuit of external success. This neglect can lead to stagnation and unfulfillment.

Make a conscious effort to invest in personal growth, whether that’s through reading, learning new skills, or pursuing hobbies.

12. Mindful Consumption

The digital age has led to information overload, causing stress and anxiety. Overconsumption of information can lead to mental fatigue and poor focus.

Practice mindful consumption, choosing to engage only with content that enriches your life and supports your goals.

13. Physical Health Prioritization

Physical health is often neglected due to busy schedules. Ignoring physical health can lead to illness and decreased energy levels.

Prioritize your physical health by incorporating regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep in your lifestyle.

14. Create Boundaries

Lack of personal boundaries can lead to feeling taken advantage of. This can cause stress, resentment, and damage relationships.

Setting clear boundaries is a key part of putting yourself first. Use your journal to identify and establish these boundaries.

15. Celebrate Wins

People often overlook their accomplishments, focusing on the next big task. Not celebrating achievements can result in decreased motivation and burnout.

Make a habit of celebrating your wins, no matter how small. Note these victories in your journal as a reminder of your progress. This encourages continued effort towards your goals.

Putting Yourself First: Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

Putting yourself first can be a challenging process, especially given the misconceptions surrounding it. Here are some common mistakes and misunderstandings:

Mistake 1: Equating Self-Care with Selfishness

This is perhaps the most common misconception. Putting yourself first is not about neglecting the needs of others; rather, it’s about ensuring you’re in the best condition to meet those needs.

If you’re burned out or stressed, you can’t adequately support others. Taking care of yourself is a prerequisite to caring for others effectively.

Mistake 2: Ignoring Boundaries for Fear of Disappointing Others

Many people struggle with setting boundaries, fearing they’ll come across as rude or uncaring. However, boundaries are essential for mental health and well-being.

Clearly communicating your limits doesn’t mean you’re inconsiderate; it means you respect your own needs and capacities.

Mistake 3: Believing Self-care is a Luxury or Indulgence

Self-care activities aren’t just occasional indulgences; they’re necessary practices for maintaining mental, physical, and emotional health.

They should be consistent habits, not just emergency responses to stress.

Mistake 4: Neglecting Physical Health

Some people associate self-care primarily with mental and emotional well-being, neglecting the physical aspect. However, regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep are essential components of self-care.

Ignoring your physical health can lead to fatigue, illness, and a decrease in overall well-being.

Mistake 5: Waiting for “The Right Time”

Many people delay self-care, believing they need to wait for the perfect moment—when they’re less busy, when they start a new job, or when the new year begins.

The truth is, there’s no better time to start putting yourself first than the present. Procrastination can lead to burnout and further delay your self-care journey.

Mistake 6: Overloading the Schedule

In an attempt to prioritize themselves, some individuals overfill their schedules with activities, from exercise classes to meditation sessions to new hobbies. While these activities can be beneficial, cramming too much into your schedule can create additional stress.

It’s crucial to balance self-improvement activities with downtime, allowing for relaxation and rejuvenation. It’s not about doing more, but about doing what truly benefits you.

Putting Yourself First: How to Get Started

steps on how to put yourself first

Here are some practical steps to start the process of putting yourself first:

Step 1: Identify Your Personal Values

Your values guide your decisions and actions. Spend some time reflecting on what matters most to you.

What are the principles you hold dear?

What are your passions and interests?

Once you’re clear about your values, it becomes easier to set goals and make decisions that align with them.

Step 2: Begin a Journaling Habit

Journaling can be a powerful goal setting tool for self-reflection and goal-setting.

Dedicate a few minutes each day to write down your thoughts, ideas, goals, and achievements. This can help you track your progress and maintain focus on your personal objectives.

Step 3: Start Asserting Boundaries

After identifying your values, you’ll have a better idea of your boundaries.

Practice articulating these boundaries in a respectful and assertive manner. Start with small boundaries and gradually move to more significant ones.

Step 4: Create a Self-Care Routine

Identify activities that help you relax and recharge, and make them a regular part of your routine. This could be anything from taking a walk, practicing yoga, reading, or simply sitting in silence for a few minutes each day.

Remember, putting yourself first is a journey, not a destination. Take small steps and make gradual changes. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Putting Yourself First – Summary

Putting yourself first isn’t about being selfish; it’s about recognizing your needs and honoring them to become your best self.

We’ve discussed numerous strategies like defining personal objectives, practicing time management, regular reflection, prioritizing mental and physical health, asserting your needs, and celebrating wins, among others.

Implementing these strategies will ensure you are prioritizing yourself, enhancing your overall wellbeing and productivity.

Read our posts on 17 Habits of Successful People, 12 Goal Setting Activities, and 14 Habits of Happy People to help you stay motivated.

A critical tool that can support you on this journey is the Undated 3-Month Productivity Planner Notebook. This resource allows you to map out your goals, track your progress, and cultivate a habit of self-reflection. It’s a practical tool designed to assist you in implementing the strategies shared in this post.

Remember, the most significant investment you can make is in yourself. Start today with the YLB 90-day journal, and begin to see the transformative impact of putting yourself first.

Don’t just dream about the life you want—plan for it and make it a reality.

Putting Yourself First – FAQs

What does it mean to put yourself first?

Putting yourself first means prioritizing your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. It involves making decisions that promote your growth, happiness, and fulfillment, even when those decisions might not align with others’ expectations.

Why is putting yourself first important?

Putting yourself first is essential because it ensures you’re taking care of your wellbeing. It enhances your capacity to perform effectively in all areas of life, including work, relationships, and personal endeavors. It’s the foundation of self-care and self-love.

Is it better to put yourself first?

Yes, putting yourself first is beneficial for overall wellbeing. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about recognizing and fulfilling your needs so you can be the best version of yourself. This helps to cultivate self-respect, and it also sets a positive example for how others should treat you.

How can I start putting myself first?

Start by identifying your personal goals and desires, then make a conscious effort to prioritize them. Utilize tools such as a planning journal to keep track of your progress and reflect on your journey and goal setting questions.

It’s also important to learn to say no to activities or obligations that detract from your personal goals.

What’s the role of a planning journal in putting myself first?

A planning journal serves as a dedicated space to map out your goals, track your progress, and reflect on your achievements. It’s a practical tool that facilitates mindfulness, encourages gratitude, and helps maintain focus on your personal objectives.

Does putting myself first mean I’m being selfish?

No, putting yourself first is not selfish. It’s about acknowledging and addressing your own needs so that you can function optimally.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup; taking care of yourself enables you to care for others effectively.

Can putting myself first improve my relationships?

Yes, by putting yourself first, you cultivate self-respect and assertiveness, which can lead to healthier and more balanced relationships. It also helps you establish personal boundaries, preventing feelings of resentment and burnout.

How does goal-setting relate to putting myself first?

Goal-setting is a key component of putting yourself first.

It allows you to define what’s important to you and what you wish to achieve. By setting and working towards personal goals, you’re prioritizing your aspirations and personal growth.

How can I put myself first at work without appearing unprofessional?

Professionalism and self-care are not mutually exclusive.

You can put yourself first at work by setting clear boundaries, managing your time effectively, and communicating your needs assertively. This actually increases productivity and job satisfaction.

How can I maintain the habit of putting myself first?

Consistency is key in maintaining this habit.

Make regular self-care activities a part of your daily routine, regularly update and reflect in your planning journal, and periodically re-evaluate your goal setting techniques and priorities. Over time, these actions will become second nature.